Posts in Podcast Episode
Own Your Age and Your Wisdom with Zannat Reza

This week, healthy aging advocate Zanna Reza joins the show to talk about shaking up the system so we can grow older on our own terms. In a world where getting older (at any age) can come with a lot of stereotyping and discrimination, we talk about why we, as women, need to own our age - and the wisdom we've earned every day. In this conversation we discuss the importance of staying passionate, curious and creative at every stage in life - and why all humans need to feel a sense of purpose at any age!

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Creative Canadian Women: Jacqueline Nicosia of Ardo Hospitatlity Group

Creativity shows up in many forms and this week Jacqueline Nicosia, the co-owner of Ardo Hospitality Group, joins the podcast to chat about the creativity that goes into crafting the perfect guest experience - and the perfect cocktail! This busy mom of two who co-owns her business (which includes 3 Toronto restaurants and a food import company) with her chef husband dives into all that entails as well as the challenges of working in the restaurant industry - an arena that’s notoriously challenging for creative women.

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Overcoming Perfectionism and Burnout with Therapist Yu Tong Hannah Lin

Toronto based registered social worker and psychotherapist, Yu Tong Hannah Lin, explores how we, as working creatives, can manage and overcome the ongoing challenges perfectionism and burnout present to our work.  Hannah shares valuable insights that will help us understand and identify when perfectionism and/or burnout are creeping into our lives and businesses (and what to do when it's impacting our work). 

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Navigating the Holiday Selling Season and Planning Ahead in a Shaky Economy

Slow September sales and signs of a flagging economy have a lot of Canadian creatives worried about the upcoming holiday selling season. Even Etsy has made efforts to boost sales on behalf of shop owners! And, with no real relief in sight, what does 2024 have in store? Melissa and Heather tackle this head on with lots of practical strategies and tips to help creatives, artists and makers get focused and make a plan - both for the holiday season and next year!

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Creative Canadian Women: Stepping In Front of the Camera with Photographer Michele Mateus

As working creatives, giving our audience, clients and supporters the opportunity to connect with us on a deeper level is so important to building a healthy business. But equally important, as women, we need to get past our fear of taking up space and instead, embrace being seen. Intimate portrait and personal branding photographer Michele Matues shares her journey as a photographer who empowers women and  shows us how much getting out from behind our work and in front of the camera can mean to our business... and to ourselves.

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Creative Canadian Women: Behind the Scenes of a Solo Art Exhibition with Heather Travis

Have you ever wondered what goes into planning and executing an your own art exhibition? Heather Travis shares the behind the scenes journey to her 3 month solo exhibition at Ontario's Bruce County Museum and Cultural Cente including how the opportunity arose, how she developed her very personal exhibit theme, secured  grant funding and was able to take 9 months away from active client work to produce 35 large scale canvases!

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Creative Canadian Women: Documentary Filmmaker Phyllis Ellis

Award winning documentary filmmaker and former Canadian Olympian, Phyllis Ellis, joins me in this episode with the release of her latest film, Category: Woman. We dive into the big themes of the documentary (gender and gender equality, body autonomy racism) as well as the power and challenges of telling stories - whether they're your own or belong to someone else.

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Creative Canadian Women: Photographer Darina Kopčok - Generating Quality Client Leads

In just one year as a food photographer, Darina Kopcok was able to match her full time corporate income. She did it by investing in her skills and with the help of a photography business coach who got her dialed into her pricing and helped her identify - and connect with - her ideal clients. In this episode she talks about how to generate quality client leads as well as how to grow your revenue streams by offering education resources to other creative service providers and makers in your niche.

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ASLU 132: Scarcity, Urgency or Always Available - Inventory Models for Creative Businesses

How do you manage inventory and demand in your creative business? Do you use and market a scarcity model? An urgency model? Or an always available model? We walk you through each of these and outline the pros and cons of each as well as showing you how you can use a mix of all three in your creative business!

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ASLU 131: Copyright and Creativity with Copyright Lawyer Lesley Ellen Harris

Can I use that in my work?

Have you ever asked yourself that question about somebody else's work? Or has somebody asked you that question about your work? What happens when somebody uses your stuff without asking you? How do you get copyright? Is it different in Canada from the US?  What does it mean to sell your rights to somebody? What is licensing?  What happens to your copyright when you die? Canadian copyright lawyer Lesley Ellen Harris answers all your burning copyright and IP (intellectual property) questions in this absolutely jam packed episode!

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ASLU 130: Creating Products for Your Creative Services Business

Are you a photographer, designer of any kind, writer or other creative services provider? This week Melissa and Heather talk about how you can create products to sell alongside your creative services and open up new revenue streams - great for your slow season, to have earning income while you continue to serve clients or to help you break through the income ceiling a lot of us hit when doing client facing work.

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ASLU 129: Creative Canadian Women: Stefanie Henderlin of Mangata Apothecary - Growing Through Failure

When Stefanie Henderlin first started formulating her products it was with an eye to helping her midwife clients. But, she quickly discovered just how much she loved the process and the result was the birth of Mangata Apothecary. Stefanie shares her journey and how failure has resulted in growth for her and her business to the point where she's now auditioning for Dragon's Den and sourcing investment to scale!

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ASLU 127: Etsy? Your Own Website? Or Both?

When you have an Etsy shop, you wonder if you should open a stand along shop on a platform like Shopify or Wix. When you have a stand alone website you wonder if you should open an Etsy shop. When you're first starting out, you don't know which to pick. And if you're a creative services provider you might be wondering if this episode is even worth your time (it is). So which is it? Etsy? Your Own Shop? Or... should you have both? I cover the pros and cons of each and why having both might not be a bad idea!

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ASLU 126: Money Mindset Matters for Working Creatives with Pamela George

All of us have money mindset challenges. Whether they're rooted in our childhood or our choice of a career (starving artists, anyone?), we can carry around a lot of money baggage that gets in our way and stops us from being financially empowered women. That's where today's guest, Ottawa based financial literacy consultant Pamela George, steps in. Today, with the help of her powerful story,  she's helping us get rid of that starving artist mindset and align our money mindset with our values.

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ASLU 123: Embracing The Business Side of Creating with Sara Roach-Lewis

The inner struggle between artist, maker, creative and female business owner is real for many of us. But as this week's guest, creative business coach and advisor, Sara Roach-Lewis, likes to remind us... if you earned money this year but didn't get a T4... you're a business owner.

So how do we learn to embrace the business side of creating for a living while still being the creators we want to be? That's our conversation this week! 

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ASLU 122: An Easier Way to Market Your Creative Business on Social Media with Susan Diaz

This week, Toronto based podcaster and c+p digital co-founder, Susan Diaz joins Melissa to talk about how creatives, artists and makers can get smarter and more efficient about making social media work for them - without wanting to pull their hair out or needing to be digital content creators.

The secret? Repurposing content. Susan breaks it down for us this very practical and sanity saving episode!

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