Posts in Podcast Episode
REPLAY: Overcoming Self-Doubt as a Working Creative

We’re heading in to the archives during our summer hiatus to bring out this important mindset episode. How many of you have struggled with self-doubt as a working creative? Raise your hands. What’s that? EVERYONE?? Then this episode is for you. We talk about how you can make that little voice in your head BE QUIET when she’s telling you that you’re not good enough!

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ASLU 070: Holiday Season Prep - It Starts Now!

Q4 is less than 3 months away and there's a lot to do. In this episode Melissa & Heather give you loads of tips & strategies to get the heavy lifting done now so you can focus on selling and shipping this fall and winter. We're talking about designing products, building up stock, getting systems in place, planning your promotions, developing and communicating your shipping and refund policies, evaluating if you need help and lots more!

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ASLU 069: Creative Canadian Natalie Gates and the Power of Great Copywriting For Your Business

Copywriter Natalie Gates turned her childhood love of writing into a career and now she uses those skills to help other creatives communicate with their customers and clients through great copy. This week she shares her best tips so you can do the same for your creative business.

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ASLU 068: The Importance of Scheduled Downtime In Your Creative Business

This week we have a short, solo episode with a few housekeeping items to catch you all up on as well as a short chat about how important it is to schedule prolonged downtime (more than just a weekend!) for your own mental and physical health as well as the health and profitability of your business.

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ASLU 066: Your Creative Work Won't Sell Itself (And Here's What to Do About It)

Making the thing is only the first step in selling your work. As fabulous as it would be, nobody will knock on your door asking if you have something to sell. In this episode Melissa & Heather talk about what you need to do to get your work out there, whether you write, design, compose, film, make, paint, or craft. This episode is for anyone who struggles to get their work seen, who struggles to make sales or who struggles with self-promotion (yes - there's some mindset work in here!)

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ASLU 065: The Jealous Creative - Confronting the Ugly Emotion

Certified career and success coach Alana Ruoso joins us again this week to talk about the emotion we don't talk about: jealousy. We've all felt it - the green monster, the"ugliest" emotion or the dark side.

Does it make us a bad person? No. It makes us human. But jealousy is usually masking something deeper and ignoring it or being unwilling to admit to it can cause more harm than good. Alana and Melissa talk about how working creatives can navigate those pangs of jealousy and even turn them into something positive (and how to deal with jealous peers and friends too!)

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ASLU 064: Creative Canadian Women - Author & Writing Coach Dianne Jacob

Well-known author, editor and writing coach, Dianne Jacob, is celebrating the launch of the 4th edition of Will Write For Food, the book that has helped food writers all over the world turn their words into deliciously flourishing careers. She sits down to talk to Melissa about her creative career from Metro Vancouver journalist to Vancouver restaurant critic to the editor of an international off-roading magazine to the author of one of the most well-known books on the craft of food writing and sought after writing coach.

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ASLU 062: Creative Canadian Women - Lisa Le & Getting Started with YouTube

Meet Hamilton based YouTuber and blogger, Lisa Le, also known as the Viet Vegan. In this episode we talk about how Lisa went from pursuing a career as a translator to becoming a successful full-time blogger and YouTuber and how YouTube helped her diversify her revenue and grow her core audience. She also shares some of her best tips to help you get started on YouTube so you can grow your audience and customer base!

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ASLU 060: Creative Canadian Women - Dance Photographer Rachael Dyer on Niching Down

Meet Halifax based dance photographer Rachael Dyer of Movita Beaucoup Dance Photography. In this episode we talk about how Rachael navigated switching creative fields in her 40s from classically trained ballet instructor to full time dance photographer and now niching down in her field helped her build her business.

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ASLU 057: Creative Canadian Women - Product Developer and Online Retailer Debra Wong

Meet Debra Wong, founder of Dessert by Deb, an online organic tea company and lifestyle brand where she blends her own organic teas and designs her own tea related accessories, gifts, stationery and subscription boxes. Hear how a fateful trip led to her closing one business and inspired her to open another that embodies her passion for afternoon tea!

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