REPLAY: Why What You Call Yourself Matters
Editor’s Note: Some links in this article may be affiliate links. Full disclosure is located at the end of the article.
We’re heading in to the archives during our summer hiatus to bring out another important creative and business mindset episode.
How you refer to yourself and the mental roles you let yourself take on in your creative business can both spur you on to growth or keep you trapped somewhere you don't want to be.
In this episode Melissa and Ayngelina Brogan have a conversation that revolves around how mindset and business are interconnected and why what you call yourself really matters. We want to help you change your mindset in this episode to spur you on to growth - both as a creator and a business owner!
This Episode is Great For…
anyone who struggles when somebody asks them “what do you so”
anyone who feels the need to say I’m “just” an artist or “just” this or “just” that
anyone who feels like they’re not being seen
anyone who feels stuck and like they can’t grow their business past its current point
anyone who struggles with creating for money.
Ayngelina talks about how going from being "just a blogger" to a culinary travel publisher completely changed her mindset around how she runs her business and spurred her on to tremendous growth personally and professionally (and resulted in a solid financial return)
If you just want the links to the resources mentioned in this episode, scroll down to the bottom. The original show notes are available here.
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Here’s a direct link to the episode . You can also listen via the player below or on your favourite podcast app (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, and more). Just search for And She Looked Up!
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