Posts in Podcast Episode
ASLU 121: Diving Down Into Meaning and Resistance in our Creative Work

This week's episode started out to be our annual recap of our goal progress for 2022. But, we realized, almost immediately, that we had taken a turn and had a creative mindset episode on our hands! We quickly dove down into exploring the deeper (and sometimes darker) aspects of our creativity and how we work: meaning and resistance.

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ASLU 120: Creative Canadians Katrina & Lexie von Hahn of Gallola: Bootstrapping a Fashion and Lifestyle Brand

Toronto based sisters Katrina and Lexie von Hahn have known for years that they wanted to create a business that reflected their Latin American roots and that has resulted in Gallola - a fashion and lifestyle brand launching soon with their first product: a shoe they designed that's inspired by the timeless Argentine carpincho style and handmade in Mexico.

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ASLU 118: Creative Canadian Janice Lawandi - From Scientist to Multiple Revenue Stream Baker

Janice Lawandi thought a PhD in chemistry had cut out a clear career path for her. But like many grad students, she started baking to relieve her doctoral stress which led to completing a Pâtisserie de Base certificate from Le Cordon Bleu and a food blog. Now this doctor of chemistry shows other bakers how understanding the science of baking can unleash their creativity - and has opened up multiple streams of revenue for her in the process!

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ASLU 111: The One With Unusual Questions

As we head into summer and close out season 3 of the podcast, Heather Travis puts her formidable interview skills to the test as we discuss death row meals, defending our studios in a zombie apocalypse, the slow quality erosion of our favourite sneakers, how every woman has a story that needs to be told, how other people's passion can light you up and music... all the music. We also make a lot of pop culture references!

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ASLU 110: Navigating Economic Uncertainty For Creative Business Owners

How do you keep your creative business stable when the economy isn't? When everything from inflation and interest rates to fuel and food are going up up up and disposable income is shrinking, it’s important to know your numbers, watch your cash flow, keep marketing, evaluate your offerings and raise your prices when it's necessary. This week’s episode will help!

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ASLU 107: Making Sure Your Next Big Idea Is There When You Need It!

When you create for a living you don't always have the luxury of waiting for inspiration to strike. If a client is waiting, or a product launch is due, the work has to get done in order to get paid! So how do you make sure you've got a steady supply of inspiration and ideas at your finger tips when you need them? This week Melissa and Heather talk about the tools we can use to capture inspiration on a daily basis, store it and refer back to it when we need it!

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ASLU 106: How Do You Know It's Time to Move On From Your Creative Business?

We all have moments where we want to throw in the towel with our creative businesses but how do you know when it's really time to move on? And how do you navigate all the fears that come with that? And what do you do with your business when it's time? My original co-host Lisa Bolton is back this week and we talk all about knowing when it's time to let go, move on or pivot.

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ASLU 103: Creative Canadian Dee de los Santos - Giving Back

Vancouver based writer and PR professional Dee de los Santos talks about her creative journey and how, after spending a decade building the popular blog Gastrofork, she is now leveraging her platform, social presence and relationship building skills to give back to the causes she's passionate about.

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ASLU 099: Growing Your Creative Business with Ebooks with Kristen Raney

You don't need to be a writer or a blogger to grow your creative business with ebooks. Melissa and guest Kristen Raney discuss how having an ebook strategy for your business can create new revenue streams, grow your community, your brand and establish you as a thought leader! We walk you through the whole process.

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