ASLU 098: Aligning Your Personal Values with Your Business
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This episode is brought to you by Fine Lime Designs Illustrations
As a creative entrepreneur, when your personal values and your business values don't align, it can leave you feeling out of whack and a little bit icky.
Melissa and regular guest host Heather Travis get into why it's important to get them into alignment and how to tackle this really big task!
This Episode Is For…
This is a great episode for anyone who:
has a business that is based on their personal brand
struggles with making decisions in their business that they feel good with as a person
knows they want to bring their values and business into alignment but they're not sure how to go about it or they're afraid they'll make a mistake
is feeling like by trying to attract all the customers, they're making their business an uncomfortable place to work in
wants to bring their personal values more to the forefront of their business
wants all aspects of their life to feel in alignment
wants to attract customers, employees, contractors, colleagues and suppliers who share the same values
If you just want the links to the resources mentioned in this episode, scroll down to the bottom.
Listen To the Episode
Here’s a link to this week’s episode. You can also listen via the player below or on your favourite podcast app (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, and more). Just search for And She Looked Up!
your values evolve as you evolve
in this episode we discuss:
how when something in your life is out of alignment, it can make everything else feel out of whack - this includes your business
it’s easier to run your business when it aligns with who you are (you’re not living a lie)
what are your values?
hiding your true values can spectacularly backfire on you
values are what connect you to your audience or customer/client base.
over-curating yourself on social media can put you out of alignment in your business
values evolve over time and that’s normal
acknowledging the role privilege can play in your ability to maintain your values
how making money can rattle your values
just how huge the task of aligning your business and personal values is
sometimes the solutions are not black and white and it’s a balancing act
as you learn, you’ll do better
pay attention to your gut reactions when you encounter new scenarios
the importance of communicating and bringing your audience along on the journey
don’t let yourself get stuck in an echo chamber - invite people in who think differently than you (keep it simple and practice empathy)
don’t hop on trends just to make more money when your values don’t back you up
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Check out Heather's new fabric line at
- @heathertravis on Instagram
- EP 61: Your Logo Is Not Your Brand (so what is?)
- Values Based Marketing with India Jackson on the Promote Yourself to CEO podcast
- Leigh Ellexson on YouTube (sustainable packaging)
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