Creative Canadian Women: Rebecca Rowe - Pivoting and Collaborating

rebecca, a white woman with long dark hair and dark framed glasses smiles at the camera while standing in a field with trees in the distance

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Classically trained fashion designer Rebecca Rowe joins the show to talk about how she pivoted her business (and how a disaster pushed her to embrace that pivot full force!) from a designer to a stylist who helps other women find confidence in their wardrobe. And then, she took on what, at first glance, appeared to be a surprising collaboration to expand her business even further. Take a listen and it will all make sense!

If you’re not familiar with Rebecca, she’s a personal stylist and declutter expert focusing on helping women find their personal style that she believes lives in their existing closets. By letting go of the what no longer serves them through fashion psychology she's able to help her clients tackle their blocks and leave with a clean closet and a great relationship with their clothes.

Rebecca shares her top tips for connecting and collaborating with other businesses and initiating a successful creative business pivot.

This Episode Is For…

This episode is for creatives who...

  • are looking to collaborate but don't know where to start - or who to collaborate with

  • need a little help thinking outside of the box when it comes to collaborations

  • would like to pivot their business but are afraid of starting fresh or upsetting existing clients or customers

If you just want the links to the resources mentioned in this episode, scroll down to the bottom.

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Here’s a link to this week’s episode. You can also listen via the player below or on your favourite podcast app (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, I Heart Radio, Overcast and more). Just search for And She Looked Up!

Transcript & Chapter Markers

You can find a full transcript and chapter markers here. Just click on the episode title for all the juicy details!

Mentioned In This Episode:

sell me.

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